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At Greenfield school we are committed to the health, safety and Well-being of the whole school community. The school actively promotes and encourages healthy lifestyles through implementing a whole school community approach to Sex and Relationships education.

RSE at Greenfield School will be taught within the context of the Foundation Phase and the PSE Framework for Wales and the specific objectives at the school.

The governors and staff of Greenfield School believe that SRE is essential if young people are to make sensible and well-informed decisions about their lives, and we also endorse that:

RSE should enable learners to understand the importance of a stable, secure and loving environment for family life and the nature of marriage and its importance to family life and the bringing up of children.

In a diverse society, learners will come from a variety of backgrounds and the Welsh Assembly Government recognises that there are committed and mutually supportive, stable relationships outside of marriage.

Teachers should be sensitive and respect differences, ensuring that there is no stigmatisation of children and young people based on their home circumstances. (WAG Circular No. 019/2010)

Parents and carers are informed of the Sex and Relationship curriculum their child is following and may request that their child is withdrawn from these lessons.