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Annual Reviews

Every pupil at Greenfield School and Maes Glas has an Annual Review each year. We have a PCP (Person Centred Practice) approach which is a process for continual listening and learning, focusing on what is important to the pupil now and in the future, acting upon this in alliance with all who are involved in the young person’s life. PCP is a way of assisting pupils to work out what they want, the support they require and supporting them to achieve this.

During the review, the pupils' Statement of SEN or Individual Development Plan is reviewed and actions are set for the forthcoming year. We have tea, coffee and biscuits available for all attendees to ensure they feel welcome and comfortable. We begin the review by introducing all who are in attendance and by finding out what the pupils have been doing in Greenfield School and Maes Glas over the past year. The people who attend the review will vary depending on the needs of the learner involved. Sometimes it may just be the class teacher and parents/carers, other times there may be health, social care and education professionals.

Everyone is expected to give input throughout the review to ensure that all aspects of the pupil’s life have been addressed. We will share a document with you to help you to think about and plan what you might want to talk about during the review (documents attached). This will include things that you like and admire about your child; things that are important to and for them; things that are currently working well and things that could be working better; aspirations for the future and thoughts of what the focus for the upcoming year might involve. We will also review last year’s actions to ensure all have been addressed.

Some comments from previous reviews:-

  • Pupil comment – “I enjoyed my review, and I was happy that people listened to me.”
  • Parent comment – “I’m incredibly grateful for all the effort being put forward to help my daughter to progress in her life and society.”
  • Professional comment – “Reviews are well-organised, information on pupils' is readily available both before and at the review meeting. Pupils are always given the opportunity to be part of the review and are encouraged to give their views. Having all the relevant agencies present allows for a smoother transition.”