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The importance of school attendance cannot be understated. School gives lasting friendships, important social skills, opportunities, choices and experiences.

If a child misses school, they are likely to;

  • Have problems keeping up with school work;
  • Dislike school more;
  • Not achieve their full potential;
  • Lose their place in friendship groups and become isolated from peers;
  • Become involved in anti-social or criminal behaviour; and/or find difficulty in getting into further education or a job/career.

Greenfield and Maes Glas are committed to ensuring that all children and young people fulfil their potential. Our mission statement being Opening Doors to the Future– regular attendance at school is one of the biggest factors in achieving this. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to inform the school as soon as possible if their child will be absent, and ensure a satisfactory explanation is given to the school. If the school does not receive a phone call, then you can expect a call from school to ask why your child is absent.

How can you as Parents and Carers Help?

As a parent/carer, you can do a great deal to support the regular and punctual attendance of your child at school by taking the following actions:

  • Start good habits early, arrive at school on time and keep to school rules.
  • Inform the school on the first day of any illness or absence, providing medical evidence where appropriate.
  • Make it known that you do not approve of poor attendance, lateness or truancy.
  • Ensure your child only misses school for legally allowed reasons such as illness or days specifically set aside for religious observance.
  • Always send in notes to explain an absence.
  • Avoid booking family holidays during term time.
  • Attend parents' evenings and other school events.
  • Read all the letters that the child brings home from school.
  • Talk to the school or the Education Welfare Service about any problems or difficulties they may be experiencing.