CWRE - Careers & Work Related Experiences
Careers and work-related experiences (CWRE) is a cross-cutting theme in the Curriculum for Wales for 3 to 16 year-olds. Schools and settings are expected to follow the Statutory Guidance for CWRE in developing their curriculum. At Greenfield School and Maes Glas, CWRE is taught using Rich Tasks and is built into the six areas of learning experiences. CWRE develops as pupils move throughout the key stages, with opportunities for on-site and partnership work experiences. As a school, we have a number of opportunities for real-life authentic experiences that help to develop exploring self and society, widening horizons, overcoming barriers, exploring opportunities and developing adaptability and resilience.
From Key Stage 4 onwards, pupils complete accreditation that is linked to Careers and Work Related Experiences, taking part in enterprise activities and attending out-of-school Careers events.
Elite Paper Solutions
Elite Paper Solutions provides organisations throughout Wales with the provision of confidential destruction, archive storage, and document scanning. We also see ourselves as a stepping stone, allowing people with disabilities and those at a disadvantage to gain valuable skills & experience at our facility before moving on and progressing within their local community.
The nature of the business ensures that there is a job that will meet every need, irrespective of the person’s disability, making it a fully inclusive workplace. Our staff are of varying ages, ability and equality of opportunity is a strong ethical focus.
Elite believe every citizen has a contribution to make, and, given the correct level of intervention and support, enable the improvement in their quality of life, where they are also contributing positively to their communities.
For many years, we have had a link with Elite who have helped us to support pupils whose learning pathway would potentially include going into the world of work. Pupils have the opportunity to access a placement at Elite for 1 day per week when they will develop the skills required to succeed in the workplace.
Please follow the link for further information:
Future Valley Construction Partnership
We have established an effective partnership with Future Valley Construction, who are responsible for the development of the new A465 road. Pupils have been engaged both in school and on the construction site, learning important roles and responsibilities associated with this sector of employment. Pupils have developed relationships with key staff, understood the importance of PPE and worked as teams to complete various projects. The partnership is ongoing and will continue to develop over the next few years.