School Meals
Breakfast Club
A breakfast club is provided daily upon pupils' arrival at school. Pupils are offered a choice from toast, cereal, fruit or yogurt and to drink water or juice. This facility is provided free of charge.
School Meals
All school meals are cooked on the premises. We can cater for most dietary requirements. Dinner money is £2.30 per day, payment made using the cashless system PARENT PAY. Pupils can also bring a packed lunch to school.
Universal Free School Meals
The next phase of the expansion to provide free school meals for all pupils in primary school will begin in September 2023, with the offer growing to include the majority of learners in years three and four. The programme will then expand further in April 2024, reaching years five and six. Where local authorities are able to reach these year groups ahead of these milestones, they have been funded to do so.