School Policies & Procedures
School Policies and Procedures
The school and Governing Body review school policies and progress towards implementing strategies when appropriate.
These can be accessed via the school by contacting the school office by telephone on 01685 351817, email or visiting our school website.
Governing Body minutes to meetings can be viewed at the school upon request.
Charging and Remissions
No charge is made for any activity that takes place in school. Parents are invited to make voluntary contributions to food technology lessons, trips and other school-based activities to cover the cost of transport and admission, etc. No child will be left out of any activity if parents cannot or will not make a contribution. If insufficient contributions are made, a trip or activity may not take place.
The Governing Body has established a procedure to consider complaints in relation to the school’s curriculum and other related matters. This procedure is available in a document available in school. A copy would be available to any parent seeking to make a complaint under these arrangements. It is emphasised, however, that many complaints can be dealt with quickly and effectively by informal consideration based on discussions with the Head Teacher. An appointment can be made to discuss any complaints with the Head Teacher and also to view any curricular related documents.