Sports, Physical, Education and Clubs
Being a healthy and confident individual is one of the 4 purposes of the Curriculum for Wales. Sport gives pupils the opportunity to develop vital skills like communication and self-esteem. It also impacts positively on pupils' physical and mental health.
At Greenfield School we offer all our pupils a wide range of sporting opportunities. We have created strong and local partnerships to give our pupils real, authentic experiences of sport. We use our local leisure centres to access their swimming pool and gym. We also access the Fitness Locker, which is an inclusive gym that our 14-19 pupils use where they follow plans set up by qualified specialist instructors. We enable all pupils to experience and develop cycling skills by utilising specially adapted bikes at the Cwm Cycling site in Rhondda and Aberdare.
At our school we have strong relationships with professional clubs such as Cardiff City FC, Swansea F.C. and the Cardiff Blues, who have all delivered six-week programmes to some classes which focus not only on sport but literacy and numeracy skills. Our pupils will have had the opportunity to take part in Boccia, Indoor Bowls Club, Gymnastics, Table Cricket, Table Tennis, Football, Rugby, Cricket, Cycling, Netball and Rebound sessions. We also host in house school festivals termly where staff and pupils play alongside each other to win the school cups. This year we will be hosting a football, rugby and cricket tournament.
At our school we also give our pupils the opportunity to compete in national events such as Gymnastics, Athletics and Swimming. These are events where pupils have the opportunity to be the best in the classification and age group within Wales. Our pupils have historically done very well in regional and national competitions.
We are frequently taking our pupils to compete against other schools in friendly fixtures in as many sports as we can. We aim to give our pupils the best opportunities and chances to compete through sport and use it to develop pupil’s confidence and self-esteem. We have a Sports Development team who are passionate about the benefits of sport to all our pupils, and they ensure sport is fully inclusive to all pupils in the school. Being a healthy and confident individual is one of the 4 purposes of the Curriculum for Wales.