The Camau Approach at Greenfield & Maes Glas
At Greenfield and Maes Glas, we recognise that our curriculum needs to be developmentally led and, as a result, we have introduced Camau’s throughout the school, which helps us to define our classes by developmental stages and promotes teacher collaboration across the school.
Camau Gwyrdd
Pupils working in this Camau Gwyrdd are working at Pre- Progression steps 1,2 and 3. The curriculum focusses on the Routes for Learning, Pre-Literacy and Health and Wellbeing skills. In two of our younger Camau Gwyrdd classes, we are piloting the Pathways' curriculum where the focus is on the 5 developmental Pathways of Belonging, Communication, Well-Being, Physical and Exploration rather than the AOLE approach.
Camau Melyn
Pupils working in this Cam are working at Pre-Progression steps 4,5 and 6. The curriculum focusses on the foundation skills of the six AOLEs
Camau Coch
Pupils working in this Cam are working at Progression Steps 1 and 2.
Camau Glas
Pupils working in this Cam are working at Progression Step 3.